Wednesday 14 November 2012

Ongoing Fiction

So I was thinking about what I should do with this blog and it kind of just dawned on me that it would be the perfect excuse to write a full length story. I always seem to start these epic tales in my head, but when I get around to writing them down they seem old and dated. Usually these tales turn into short stories with hastily written endings, or worse still, no endings at all.

I just spent the better part of my day going through all my old material that’s stored on my ancient external hard drive. I found a few decent stories that I’ll post up as separate pages (you can see the links for them at the top), but mostly I found a reoccurring theme that I want use in a new narrative. Having this space to house it will (I hope) drive me to create a complete story. Having feedback on it as I go would be something different and exciting too :)

The Theme!

Post-apocalyptic fiction is definitely a favourite of mine and I can never get enough of the wild ideas people come up with when they ‘end the world.’ I can’t even tell you the amount of books I’ve read on this subject! I’ve also been watching The Walking Dead lately, which is frankly amazing. The survival aspect of it is what gets me and that’s what I want to incorporate into my story (the zombies not so much). I’ve always had this idea in my head about the Earth being a living thing with a consciousness. All the shit we’ve done to it, pollute it, mine it, scorch it and destroy it would eventually have some profound effect on the Earth that one day it just decides that it’s had enough. Enough of people.

So that’s a little taste of what I want to do with space so stay tuned!

Milana V.

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