Friday 21 June 2013

Evelyn Earth Part 32


“Why did you disconnect?” Sebastian growled as he himself extracted his consciousness from the Earth’s web.
           “There’s no point in standing around now playing Pictionary when the other soldier can make his way to us and we can speak in person” I replied.
           “You can be a real piece of work sometimes. You bloody well know that we could have continued searching for more warriors. We could have seen the full potential of this glowing map She’s made for us.”
          “Do it yourself if you fucking want! You speak as if you’re so sure about everything. Why do you think the second warrior tapped into our connection at precisely the time when we were connected? And for only a split second for that matter! They knew we were there somehow, and I for one can’t feel the web if I’m not connected. What if it was a false cry for help?”
         “You can’t know that. It could have just been a coincidence.”
         “Why does our Mother’s web glow Sebastian? Why does it fucking glow? What I saw in the vision she sent us was silver, it was fucking silver and hard like ore trapped within a rock” I exploded with irritation. He refused to analyze the information that was in front of him. Maybe he did just see things clearer than I did, he saw what he thought he was meant to see whereas I was bombarded with contradictions and confusing flashes of facts.
          I watched his face as he worked through what I had just said.

          “If what you’re saying is true then our communication system, which we have only tried to use once for fucks sake, is a fake?”
        “It’s not fake it’s still the same thing. We know that because we can access it. The way it glows though, it makes me think of these angels. It looks like what their light power might look like if it had tapped into the Mother’s. I know it sounds ridiculous” I sighed, “but think of it as a hijacking or a phone tap.”
I didn’t know if what I was saying was right, but in my head Tetris pieces were falling into place one by one. I always had an uncanny ability to remember things and connect events together, which had given me an edge during my time studying Classics. Right now it was giving me an edge on life, which I never thought could have been possible since Classics majors all lived in a world of fantasy, a world filled with myths and stories told by people long dead. In a sense our world had morphed into one of these stories and all the creation epics I had pored over during my research could now hold real tangible truths.  
“Have you heard of Ra?” I asked my eyes alight with clarity.
“Egyptian god?” he answered confused.
“Exactly, Ra was the Sun god, worshipped Egyptians almost five thousand years ago. The sun was recognised as a fearsome being, something to be idolised and revered, which it was until the fall of the Egyptian Empire. One of the Kings idolised the Sun so much that he created a new religion abolishing all other gods in the pantheon and renaming Ra to Aten.”
“What does that have to do with us?”
“Don’t you see Sebastian! The angels are like messengers of Ra, they come from the sun. We on the other hand come from the earth. How can I explain this” I mumbled, “In one version of Egyptian creation mythology everything came out of dark water called Nun, the primordial mound was the first thing to emerge on top of which a tree grew to allow a falcon to alight on it. The falcon symbolises Horus, who through syncretism became known as Ra. So basically our power originates from the primordial mound—our Mother, whilst the angel’s power comes from Ra—the falcon. They are equally powerful entities; both have been worshipped by many different civilisations and religions and it’s hard to say which came first or if one is more powerful than the other. It’s just I never thought, before, that any of it could actually be true.”
“Okay” he said slowly. Too slowly to signify that he had actually understood anything I said.
“I don’t know about all this” he waved his hands around, “but I had a similar thought a while ago when I had a vision from the Mother. It was just a flash of men standing around in a circle holding these staff or sticks or whatever and it made me think of the Celts.”
“That makes sense since The Celts believed in an Earth Mother, they believed in her power to give life and they worshipped her. That’s what the image must have been, memories from when humans still revered Her” I nodded in understanding.
“Do you think that’s what she wants us to return to?”
“That’s the answer!” I shouted. I couldn’t help myself, the final Tetris block had just fallen into place and everything suddenly became solid and clear. “We don’t need to kill thousands of people if they agree to worship the Mother. Once we clear all the urbanised places we can explain to everyone why a clean start was so important. They will understand that they need to preserve the Earth and give homage to the creator of...”
“If they don’t” Sebastian interrupted me, “what if they don’t understand? What if right this second the angels are convincing them to worship the Sun?”
“I don’t know” I said, deflated, “in that case the Mother’s cleansing could turn into a holy war.”
“If we take a look at history, holy wars have raged on since, fuck, forever” he threw his hands up above his head.
“But people fought those wars. God or Yahweh or Allah had people imbued with faith to carry out their message. We on the other hand carry our deities’ actual power in ourselves.”
“Does that make it better or worse? One jihadist could kill fifty infidels with a single bomb, while we could wipe out thousands with a single sweep of darkness.”
“I don’t know about better or worse, but it would certainly make things quicker. In any case if all the players of the game got wiped out there would be no one left to pollute the Earth and we would have won by default” I shrugged.
“Unless we were all destroyed, then the remaining population would continue to build structures that touched the sky, for religious reasons though—to be closer to their Sun God.”
“Fuck” I swore, “how did everything become so messed up.”
“Humans, love. Without us there would have been peace on Earth since the beginning of time until the end of time.”   
“What are you two gossiping about” Sloan’s voice startled us. He was standing at the edge of our cleared circle of dirt. He looked like a ragged soldier with his dark grey cargo pants and black singlet, which was much too long for him and bunched up around his hips. He had a bottle of milk tea in his hand and took a swig of it as if it were beer.
“Wake up the others, everyone needs to hear this” Sebastian said. His tone had changed from teasing and melodic to harsh and drill-like. Sloan took another swig from the plastic bottle, but didn’t make a move to do as he was told. There was a power dis-balance here and all three of us could feel it. Before Sebastian was forced to repeat himself with more force and possibly a tinge of darkness Sloan threw the now empty bottle onto the dirt between us and walked away.
Sebastian turned around and I could see that his fists were clenched. I still had some power built up in my fingertips so I flicked it at the plastic bottle and watched as it fizzled into oblivion.  

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